

Jenny12, originally uploaded by Paradise Gonzalez.
Yesterday I finally had some to scan some 6 x 6 film that had been in the drawer for a couple of months and Surprise! I found this beautiful image.
I like shooting in film because it involves a completely different process. I learned photography on the digital era and with digital cameras, and contrary to most later I went to film. It was a whole new world. An absolutely different perspective. From counting the times you press the shutter to the walk to the developing lab. Fortunately I was able to TA at ICP -International Center of Photography- and learned how to scan film and make my own prints. I love to mix processes, film and digital. And wait, like a kid on Christmas night, for the result.


GREATCACTUS k11, originally uploaded by Paradise Gonzalez.
Historias del desierto.
Una serie en proceso sobre los alrededores de la casa de mi madre. El desierto, ese fascinante escenario que nunca acaba. Plantas en una batalla abierta por subsistir, y la belleza de la agresion.
Es imposible dejar de caminarlo.

missy12 ... We all love missy !!!

missy12, originally uploaded by Paradise Gonzalez.

An under valuated love story. We all love Missy. 


Film Noir

Danielle, originally uploaded by Paradise Gonzalez.
This is a series of film noir shots. I've always loved this type of films. The detective and the blond girl.
My eternal fantasy. Needles to say I'm big fan of Chandler. And Bogart.


headshot, originally uploaded by Paradise Gonzalez.
Portrait of a model.

Self portrait

Self portrait, originally uploaded by Paradise Gonzalez.

Fortune cookie philosophy

cover , originally uploaded by Paradise Gonzalez.

Pictures from Slovenia and Venice. I added some fortune cookie philosophy to the image. I'm always wondered when I open a fortune cookie. In some way I imagine it's a great saying that will change my life. I think about an old philosopher somewhere in the deep China writing this amazing sayings that are meant to be open by a specific costumer at the Chinese restaurant. I imagine the waiter concentrating before grabbing the cookie so he can become a medium between the great knowledge and the nurtured costumer.
All an all I believe they have this magical beauty of the unknown and the mystery. What's inside this cookie? What's behind this door? What's upon this life.



This are some links to the photographs I was assigned to for PERFORMA 09.
The biennale was a delicious experience.  There where  hundreds of artists from all around the world. Everyone "performing"  their conception of "art". Creating an amazing world where you could jump from installations to dance to empty spaces to gatherings to... practically the most unexpected situations. 


Performa 09-frieze magazine

Dominique Gonzalez ARTFORUM magazine


Estos son algunos links a las fotografias que tome para PERFORMA 09.
La bienal fue una experiencia maravillosa. Hubo cientos de artistas de todo el mundo. Todos mostrando su concepcion de lo que significa  "arte". Fueron semanas de maravilla, de nino en una tienda de juguetes magicos. Practicamente se pudo ver de todo, desde instalaciones hasta danzas, de presentaciones teatrales a espacios vacios... practicamente cada evento era un encuentro constante con lo inesperado. Una experiencia maravillosa.


K124, originally uploaded by Paradise Gonzalez.

This is part of an ongoing project of beauty shoots I'm working on.
I'm proposing it as the opening picture. I love the texture, the range of shadow and light and that it makes me wonder of how does the other part of the face looks like.

I love laughter

enjoy, originally uploaded by Paradise Gonzalez.

And happiness and joy and surprise and excitement and freedom.
And beautiful things that just happen. This picture was part of a "serious session" catalog style I did a long time ago. This two images where forgotten among the rests of the shoot. Just somewhere in an external drive. I bump into them by coincidence and was able to look at them with different eyes. I found things I didn't see before. And was able to rescue them.
It's fundamental to keep your work in a safe place and go back to it from time to time . You never know what you'll find.