


I have decided that I must change everything. Forget of who I am and what I have done. Focus on the light, the textures, the lines, the composition, but most of all, life it self. Breath, growth, movement, change.


bcr5, originally uploaded by Paradise Gonzalez.
I have insomnia
Long nights with no sleep. It's raining in Manhattan and there's a felling of melancholy. I wish it was only warm. I don't like the rain. I don't like it when I'm getting wet. From the inside it is a nice experience, but I'm afraid of getting wet. To much water when i was in the mountains I guess. One night Pachecoff's and I got stuck in the top of a hill, there was an electrical storm fallowed by a heavy rain and we had to hide under a little roof that protected a lady Mary statue. A religious oasis for the pilgrims. Just a 1 by 1 little roof. And we hid there and see the lightning struck meters from us. I was sure we were going to die. We smoked cigarettes and joked about the rain. And tried to keep warm. It was a beautiful night. At some moment we decided to run home, still a couple miles away but the rain had slowed and we needed some coffee. We where younger then, and fear was in some other place. Not that I would do something different today, but In the city the logic changes. Here there's more probability to get a short cut. So I smoke a cigarette and enjoy the night. Dreams will arrive at some point. I hope.



B245, originally uploaded by Paradise Gonzalez.
Some unknown stories. Never say, never ask. Not the same of the stupid idea of don't tell don't ask... but oh, well. Secrets should not be kept. Some, perhaps. Only the priest knows, after abusing the kid. Terrible. But not going to talk about nightmares in here. "Not politically correct" . Gosh as if someone cares. There's war all over the world and my country is going mad with massacre and corruption and "nobody will do anything". Fuck that. Fuck the stupid nonsense. I wish we could all just relax at the beach and smoke a joint. Oh well. Paradise is long lost.


Don't Peek

don't peek, originally uploaded by Paradise Gonzalez.
An amazing piece about life and death and that long moment in between. Learning to let go. What a difficult process. Anything, childhood, lovers, an old shirt.

"Theater piece Don't Peek, Woof Nova Collaboration
Explores our relationship with life after death through three interwoven tales that take place at the threshold between this world and the next. "

Temple Crocker, Annie Kunjappy, Daniel Allen Nelson, Morgan von Prelle Pecelli, co-creators, co-directors, designers and performers.

Lighting design by Tim Becker
Sound by Brandon Pane
Video by David Rogers
Stage Manager: Maggie Sinak


Performed at La MaMa E.T.C Feb-March 2010


B 3305

B 3305, originally uploaded by Paradise Gonzalez.
This is the first image of a series based on time, hunger and decomposition.


Project B24

Iris b24, originally uploaded by Paradise Gonzalez.

The beginning. Finally we found a model to re start. Irsida, a beautiful eastern European. Jarrett Brandon -http://www.jarrettbrandonartistry.com- and I are very happy. With her we restart the work we stopped in December due to the celebrations and cold. I discovered that going back to taking pictures in a regular basis is like going back to the gym, very difficult. It's better not to stop because good thinks are always hard to recover. Strangely that won't happen with bad addictions, it's always easy to go back. Ha ha, all do I love addictions so there's no downer.
Cool. Beautiful day in Manhattan and the door to creativity has opened again!